Invoice Fast shipping
+49 8341 96793-70 (Mo - Fr: 9 AM - 5 PM)

Delivery and Returns

Absolutely reliable, insured and fast delivery

Shipping and invoicing are carried out by the company PPE-Stores GmbH.

Delivery Costsfrom 100 EUR gross value of goodsfrom 250 EUR
Germany 5.95 EUR free
Austria 6.95 EUR   free
12.00 EUR postage
+ 1.00 EUR per kilogram.
Netherlands 7.95 EUR  
EU countries 12.90 EUR  
Important: Island surcharge is 12 EUR.


If you ever want to return a package (within Germany) to us, simply wrtite an e-mail to service@forsberg.works. We will then send you a free return note.
You can reach us by phone at: +49 8341 96793-70. You can find further information on revocation in our General Terms and Conditions.